A steamy July evening on Toronto’s water front, with every moment that passes leading up to his arrival on stage, the temperature seems to drop coinciding directly with the sun’s setting as the energy and chatter of the audience grows at twice the rate. With a swift jog from behind the black sheer curtains on the right side of the stage, John and his band explode; grabbing his guitar, Mayer brings his instrument of metal and wood to life. Indistinguishable at first, he deftly leads his band and the flock of onlookers into the opening rift of the song “vultures”. Energetic, unique, and unbridled John puts on a spectacle of the familiar woven with the remarkably original, a riveting rendition of the song. The crowd’s reaction: a cocktail of awe, jubilation, and exaltation, poring over into deafening screams nearly drowning out the guitar virtuoso. For those there as casual listeners, were drawn further and further in with every note melting off the neck of Mayer’s Fender Stratocaster. A display of passion and talent each of which trying to out match the other, resulting in a certain electricity that cannot be put into words (at least not by me). The song finishes as a sort of predeceasing exclamation point on a sentence that says something like, “Welcome to the show, welcome to my life, welcome to my love; get ready for 13 more musical odysseys ”.
What a Talent, what a night, what a concert